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Entries for author "Rachell"

2024 Session 1 Mission Debrief

Thank you, Congratulations, You are all now ⭐ Stars ⭐

All of our djangonauts worked hard during the eight week session.

⭐ Mohammad Alsakhawy
⭐ Jessie Auguste
⭐ Pradhvan Bisht
⭐ Elineda Ferreira Lannic
⭐ Adrienne Franke
⭐ Emmanuel Katchy
⭐ Velda Kiara
⭐ Marijke Luttekes
⭐ Nina Menezes
⭐ Juliana Nicacio
⭐ Elijah Oklello
⭐ Priya Pahwa
⭐ Keanya Phelps
⭐ Eliana Rosselli
⭐ Shafiya
⭐ Raffaella Suardini
⭐ …

Djangonaut Session 1 2024 Officers!

We reached out to our Django community connections to broaden our reach, and we want to express our sincere thanks to everyone who pitched in—whether as a volunteer, sharing our social media posts, or referring friends to our program. The support has been incredible!
We've had the pleasure of meeting with each person who showed interest in volunteering as a Captain or Navigator. It's been a great opportunity to get …

Session 1 2024 Meet our Djangonauts!

In preparation for our next session starting in January 2024, we wanted to share some updates and introduce our new Djangonauts.

In the midst of sorting through a pile of amazing applications, we found ourselves facing the challenging task of selecting just 18 outstanding individuals for this round—no small feat given the 172 impressive applications we received.

These 18 Djangonauts caught our eye for all the right reasons: their applications …

Malcolm Tredinnick Memorial Award

We're over the moon to share the exciting news that Djangonaut Space has been honored with the Malcolm Tredinnick Memorial Award! This recognition holds a special place for us, as we follow in the footsteps of Django Girls as the second-ever organization recipient. 💚 We're eager to launch into the future and continue the legacy and make a meaningful impact. 🚀

Though none of our organizers had the chance to …